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John Bagnell Bury - Cambridge Library Collection - Classics: The Ancient Greek Historians : Harvard Lectures read book FB2, DJV


The classical historian J. B. Bury (1861-1927) was the author of a history of Greece which was a standard textbook for over a century (and of which the first edition is also reissued in this series). His interests ranged over a very wide period, and this 1909 work discusses the ancient Greek historians themselves. Originally delivered as a series of lectures at Harvard University in 1908, this book unsurprisingly focuses on Herodotus and Thucydides, but in a chronological survey examines the evidence for the rise of historical writing in Ionia, and the influence on it of myth and epic poetry. Bury also surveys those historians after Thucydides whose work is less well attested, and the likely influence of the development of rhetoric and philosophy upon their writing, and considers the influence of Greek writers, including Polybius, during the Roman republican period, and their influence on later, Latin historiography., The classical historian J. B. Bury (18611927) was the author of a history of Greece which was a standard textbook for over a century (and of which the first edition is also reissued in this series). His interests ranged over a very wide period, and this 1909 work discusses the ancient Greek historians themselves. Originally delivered as a series of lectures at Harvard University in 1908, this book unsurprisingly focuses on Herodotus and Thucydides, but in a chronological survey examines the evidence for the rise of historical writing in Ionia, and the influence on it of myth and epic poetry. Bury also surveys those historians after Thucydides whose work is less well attested, and the likely influence of the development of rhetoric and philosophy upon their writing, and considers the influence of Greek writers, including Polybius, during the Roman republican period, and their influence on later, Latin historiography., The classical historian J. B. Bury (1861–1927) was the author of a history of Greece which was a standard textbook for over a century (and of which the first edition is also reissued in this series). His interests ranged over a very wide period, and this 1909 work discusses the ancient Greek historians themselves. Originally delivered as a series of lectures at Harvard University in 1908, this book unsurprisingly focuses on Herodotus and Thucydides, but in a chronological survey examines the evidence for the rise of historical writing in Ionia, and the influence on it of myth and epic poetry. Bury also surveys those historians after Thucydides whose work is less well attested, and the likely influence of the development of rhetoric and philosophy upon their writing, and considers the influence of Greek writers, including Polybius, during the Roman republican period, and their influence on later, Latin historiography.

Cambridge Library Collection - Classics: The Ancient Greek Historians : Harvard Lectures by John Bagnell Bury read online MOBI

This study focuses on the London operations of one of Australia's premier book publishers of the twentieth century: Angus & Robertson.In the process, he rescues an iconic life from oblivion.From the first cities in Mesopotamia to the emergence of Greece and Rome to the depredations by the Mongols, the transmission of the Black Death, the struggles of the Great Game, and the fall of Communism--the fate of the West has always been inextricably linked to the East.He shows, for example, how the Knight's Tale represents the contemporary crisis of governance in terms of a crisis in chivalric identity itself; how the Miller's Tale reflects the social pressures and rhetoric of peasant movements generally and the Rising of 1381 in particular; and how the tales of the Merchant and Shipman register the paradoxical placement of a bourgeois class lacking class identity.Library Journal" (starred review) This book contains the great names in automotive history the Dodge brothers, Barney Oldfield, all the French (they seemed, until Ford, to lead the Americans in development of the vehicle) and it is fascinating.The film, whose visual beauty matches its evocation of early Fifth Republic Paris, was a major point of reference for the French New Wave despite the fact that Varda, the only major female French director of the period, never considered herself a member of the core Cahiers du Cinema group of critics turned filmmakers.Presenting a series of studies focusing on specific Asian traditions, as well as studies that put those traditions in dialogue with Western thinkers, this book looks at Asian philosophical doctrines concerning compassion and nonviolence as these apply to nonhuman animals, as well as the moral rights and status of nonhuman animals in Asian traditions.This tension between the subject and history is Patterson's topic.This tension between the subject and history is Patterson's topic.Praise for Patient H.M.She shows, in vivid detail, how mother influenced daughter, and how the daughter s struggles mirrored the mother s.Most often tied to a vaguely biblical outlook, it is a perfect summing up of a perfectly human trait.For example, in the late nineteenth century, Americans embraced "self-made men" such as John D.